The Earth PyramidsThe Ritten earth pyramids are a marvel of nature and are among the most stunning in Europe. They appear in several locations on the Ritten: Along the Finsterbach river, between Mittelberg and Lengmoos, in the Katzenbach Valley, below Oberbozen and in the Ganderbach Valley near Unterinn. The earth pyramids are formed from late Ice Age moraine clay. The highest exemplar is 30 m high, and the oldest is 607 years old.

The Bee MuseumBuzz, buzz, buzz! A ten-minute walk from our hotel will take you to the bee museum in Wolfsgruben. It is housed in the picturesque 600 year-old Plattnerhof farm, renovated beautifully in the 1970s by the Gramm family, merchants from Bozen. Ever since then, the Plattnerhof has been home to the bee museum with a display of historical beekeeping artefacts. The living area of the house has been preserved in its original condition and is open to visitors. A discovery trail has been built in the outdoor area, and visitors can take a look at the hives, the garden, the lake and ancient cultivated plants.

Maria Himmelfahrt72 days: This was how long the rich Bozen merchants’ traditional summer sojourn lasted. On 29 June, they packed their goods and chattels into large woven baskets known as “Pennen” and headed for the Ritten. In the mid-17th century, the first summer houses were built in Maria Himmelfahrt. They were aristocratic villas and were built as summer residences only, with no heating or insulated windows. In this area there was a beautiful avenue of linden trees, numerous small, 6-cornered houses, a few private chapels and a rifle range. Most of the buildings are still standing today.

The CommanderyThe Lengmoos Commandery is the cultural star of the Ritten. One-time hospice, the Commandery was destroyed during the Peasant Revolts of 1525 and rebuilt in Baroque style in the 17th century. The rooms on the first floor where the dignitaries sojourned were sumptuously furnished, and are open to visitors every Friday.
The Commandery is famed for the Rittner Sommerspiele (summer theatre shows) which are staged in the courtyard in the height of the summer months.
The Commandery is famed for the Rittner Sommerspiele (summer theatre shows) which are staged in the courtyard in the height of the summer months.

Culinary night trips Culinary night trips on the Ritten train are organised on five summer evenings when gourmands are treated to a five-course menu paired with the perfect wines. How does it work? Board the Liberty style carriage of the Ritten train and take a trip to Klobenstein. At each one of the five stops along the way, the Ritten restaurateurs treat you to their culinary specialities.

The land and the peopleThe Ritten folk are known for being refined, hard-working and peaceable people. Agriculture has a long tradition here and there are over 300 farms, all tended with endless hard work, and all well worth a look. Around 260 are cattle farms, while the rest specialise in fruit and viniculture. In the area of Unterinn on the Ritten there are numerous apple orchards located at over 900 m above sea level. The Ritten is also home to a number of herb gardens and sheep, goat and wagyu farms.

The EconomyFrom Ritten to the wold! The Ritten is also famed for its successful economy. Over 800 companies in an incredible spectrum of sectors are headquartered on the Ritten, and some of them have been for over 100 years. An unusual claim to fame: The Ritten is home to world-class companies including Loacker, the largest wafer company in Italy and Finstral, the Italian market leader in window construction.